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Laboratory wastewater treatment equipment—hypochlorous acid generator




The hypochlorous acid generator/anolyte generator in laboratory wastewater treatment equipment is a key technology. It generates hypochlorous acid solution through electrolysis of brine, which is used to disinfect and oxidize harmful substances in wastewater. The working principle of this device is based on an electrolysis process, in which salt water is decomposed under the influence of an electric current to produce hypochlorous acid and hydrogen gas. Since hypochlorous acid has strong oxidizing properties, corresponding safety protection measures need to be taken when using it to avoid harm to the human body and the environment. For example, the presence of ceramic nanoseparators can isolate chlorine and hydrogen gases, preventing them from escaping the reactor.


The application of HOCL generators has significant advantages in laboratory wastewater treatment. As a strong oxidant, hypochlorous acid can effectively decompose organic pollutants such as proteins, grease and dyes, thereby purifying water quality. Hypochlorous acid has a powerful bactericidal effect and can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi in wastewater, ensuring that the treated water is safe and harmless.


Design and Control: The hypochlorous acid water generator is designed to acidify hypochlorite ions to form hypochlorous acid molecules. The generator requires two raw materials, namely acidic raw material and alkaline hypochlorite. Through the precise control of a microcomputer, acidic raw materials and alkaline raw materials are simultaneously introduced into the water flow to form a continuous production of anolyte water. This process only relies on the chemical activity of the raw materials themselves to initiate and continue the reaction process. It consumes less electricity and has very little power. It does not require consumables such as electrodes. It has high production efficiency. The output of conventional equipment is 300L/h~1000L/h. The hypochlorous acid of the product is Both the content and pH can be accurately controlled, and the entire production process is intelligently controlled. The raw materials are completely converted without any waste gas, liquid, and residue pollution.


Application fields: Hypochlorous acid generators are widely used in hospitals, schools, hotels, offices, homes and other places. In hospitals and schools, hypochlorous acid water can effectively kill various bacteria and viruses, protecting the health and safety of teachers, students and medical staff. In addition, hypochlorous acid generators are also used in many fields such as food processing, medical treatment, and industrial circulating water treatment.


Equipment composition: Hypochlorous acid generator usually includes electrolysis device, salt dissolving device, reaction device and hypochlorous acid application device. The electrolysis device generates an electrochemical reaction through energized electrodes to generate a sodium hypochlorite solution. Free molecular chlorine will not be produced during this process, so it is generally difficult to form toxic and harmful substances caused by the presence of molecular chlorine.


Environmentally friendly properties: The generated slightly acidic electrolyzed water is a colorless and transparent liquid, containing hypochlorous acid, which is odorless or slightly smells like chlorine. Its pH value is close to 7, which determines that it is less harmful to the human body and has almost no corrosiveness to objects.


In summary, the application of hypochlorous acid generators in laboratory wastewater treatment is efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly, and can effectively treat various wastewaters generated in laboratories and meet national discharge standards.


What are the latest technological advances and advantages of hypochlorous acid generators produced by BLUEWAV?

Mainly reflected in the following aspects:


High automation and integration: The HOCL generator generates HOCL solution through electrolysis of brine, which has the characteristics of ready-to-use production, no by-products, and does not affect water quality and safety. With the introduction of new technologies, these devices are unique in domestic technology, showing high automation, novel and unique appearance, and high integration.


Independent intellectual property rights and patented applications: The concentration of hypochlorous acid solution produced by BLUEWAV’s hypochlorous acid generator can reach up to 15,000 ppm, which is higher than other hypochlorous acid solutions on the market. In the development and application of hypochlorous acid generators Significant technological breakthroughs have been achieved.


Slightly acidic hypochlorous acid water generation process: It can meet the CELA technology, for the purpose of safe disinfection, sterilization, and deodorization. It can intelligently control the pH value at 6.50±0.05 and maintain the effective chlorine concentration at 50ppm.


Separation and conversion technology: Chloride ions can be separated from electrolyzed water and converted into sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen gas. It not only improves the sterilization effect, but also ensures that the generated water is safe to drink.


Environmental protection and energy saving: Some new hypochlorous acid generators also focus on improving electricity efficiency and reducing power consumption, thereby achieving environmental protection and energy saving goals.

When assessing the impact of hypochlorous acid generators on the environment, key considerations should be made in terms of reduced chemical use, efficient disinfection capabilities, environmental risk control measures, by-products and ecological impacts, and long-term operating effects.


When assessing the impact of hypochlorous acid generators on the environment, key considerations should be made in terms of reduced chemical use, efficient disinfection capabilities, environmental risk control measures, by-products and ecological impacts, and long-term operating effects.

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