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5 Reasons why Hypochlorous Acid is a better Disinfectant then other disinfectants


  1. It’s safe for us.

Hypochlorous Acid, also known as HOCl, is a powerful pH neutral oxidant that is effective against invading bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It is even produced naturally by the white blood cells in all mammals. This makes it entirely safe, non-irritant, and non-allergic to humans and animals when used at the correct pH and concentrations. It will not burn your skin and eyes when used correctly and it is even harmless if accidentally ingested. Using traditional chemicals requires training and special protective equipment as well as spill contaminant in case of an accident. Bluewav avoids special personal protective equipment and training and guarantees worker safety.

HOCl also avoids all fire hazards from other flammable disinfectants as some disinfectants have the potential to explode and are toxic to inhale.

Additionally, HOCl can be made by activating a dilute brine solution. This electrolysis process is known as electro-chemical activation.

  1. Its more effective

Bluewav  oxidants are generated on-site as and when required, meaning fresh solutions with constant potency. Chlorine gas and other traditional chemicals are hazardous, and transportation and storage often require permits and are potentially a logistical nightmare. Sodium hypochlorite and other chemicals degrade quicker over time and depending on the concentration and presence of organics, may develop impurities if stored whereas Bluewav  solution shelf life is up to 6 months under optimal conditions. Hypochlorite is a high pH disinfectant with low disinfection efficiency and requires higher concentrations and longer contact times. Alternatively, HOCl is up to 80x more effective than hypochlorite. It contains more rapid disinfection power with a broader inactivation range.

Radical Waters tested HOCl is a non-alcohol, water-based disinfectant that’s effective at killing 99.999 percent of common tested germs.

You can use it on the skin without using alcohol, so you and your family can rest a little easier due to its high efficacy. It is important to note that alcohol-based hand sanitizers are considered safe to use in moderation. The problem is that alcohol-based hand sanitizers can lead to dry skin, infection, and even alcohol poisoning. Plus, they have been deemed a fire hazard by some regulatory authorities.

  1. It has limitless applications

HOCl has been utilized in various industries such as meat processing, beverage manufacture, CIP processes, treatment of raw grains and starches, dentistry, sterilizing of medical and healthcare equipment and microbial resistance management.

Bluewav Generators produce 2 solutions. The first is a detergent known as catholyte. This is a weak sodium hydroxide solution with a pH of greater than 11.4 and a NaOH concentration of between approximately 400 PPM – 1000 PPM which can be used for cleaning applications.  The second solution, a disinfectant called anolyte is used to disinfect/sanitise with. The active component in Anolyte is hypochlorous acid with a neutral pH of around 6.7 and between 170 PPM – 500 PPM of free available chlorine depending on the device’s configuration. The two solutions are also compatible, so rinsing between Catholyte and Anolyte is no longer needed when doing CIP’s. What’s fantastic about Bluewav products is that they can be used for multiple surfaces, eliminating the need for various surface specific chemicals.

  1. Savings

When buying cleaning solutions, one needs to consider the cost considerations. Bluewav’s higher equipment capital cost is offset by its lower lifecycle cost when compared to other chemicals as well as the several savings you can make on water, energy, and time .Hypochlorous acid can ensure up to 60% reduction in water costs due to shorter cleaning and disinfection cycles.

The two solutions are compatible so rinsing between and after applications is no longer needed thus reducing water consumption and saving time. This is also beneficial to the user as they will no longer be exposed to harmful chemicals. This is the same for the user’s equipment. Things like dish cloths and utensils have longer lifespan and there is a reduction in storage drums due to less traditional chemical drums. It’s possible to achieve up to 90% chemical cost reduction by replacing conventional chemicals with the natural  solutions and broad adoption of the products results in the substantial reduction of toxic effluent.

  1. Its Green

The best part about using Bluewav is not only that it is cost competitive with other solutions, but it is a 100% natural and efficient cleaning agent making it the smart, environmentally friendly choice. As mentioned above, HOCl is 100% natural and safe to handle. Comprised only of salt, water and electricity, the consumption of harmful and undesirable chemical reagents can often be significantly reduced or obviated altogether. The implications for the environment are enormous. HOCl is environmentally friendly and assists with effluent management. The solutions return to their natural state post-CIP and can be reclaimed for further use.

Industries are now being held accountable for the ‘footprint’ they leave on the environment. When considering the risks involved of using generic sanitizers that can alter taste, stain and damage equipment and even be of potential harm to the product and the consumer, it makes sense to use the cleaner, safer alternative.